The Handwriting on the Wall

 “I was born for that purpose. And I came to bring truth to the world. All who love the truth are my followers”—John 18:37b (TLB).

While attending one of my grandchildren’s events at an area school, I made a trip to the restroom. The handwriting on the wall of the restroom stall grabbed my attention.  “If you love Jesus, add your mark below.”

I didn’t have time to count the number of students who had left a mark below the statement but I estimated there were more than 100. Since this is a small rural school, I was encouraged by the number of youngsters who had declared their love for Jesus.

After the event, I was visiting with my grandchild and her mother in the hall when I noticed several students sporting t-shirts proclaiming their hope in Jesus. Encouraged again by this show of faith, I smiled.

I was also reminded of a conversation I’d had the previous weekend with several of my other grandchildren. Before we began to eat our meal, one of my grandsons volunteered to offer the blessing.

As we visited during our meal, another grandson asked why it was illegal to pray in school. Before I could respond, my 10-year-old granddaughter piped up. “I don’t care if it’s against the law, I have a friend and we pray together at lunch every day at school.”

Surprised by what Cheyenne had revealed, I replied, “I’m so proud of you.” Then, I went on to explain, as simply as possible, why prayer in the public school system was controversial. I also told my grandchildren they could pray in school, or anywhere else for that matter, anytime they wanted to do so.

While many bemoan the future of our country, I continue to see more young people—including my grandchildren—who are seeking God. Yes, we live in the Bible Belt; however, since God led me into a writing and speaking ministry, I continue to meet adults across this country who are dedicated followers of Jesus Christ.

As parents and grandparents, it’s our responsibility to impart His teachings to the next generation. Our future, their future depends upon it.

Not longer after that when I spoke at a small church in northeastern Oklahoma, I prayed about the message God wanted me to deliver. I felt led to teach on, “If you woke up today, God isn’t through with you yet!”

In a recent sermon about spiritual revival, Pastor Greg Laurie based his message on the Book of Jonah, a story about one of the largest spiritual awakenings in human history. Because of their wickedness and legendary cruelty, the people of Nineveh were destined for a downfall at the hands of Babylon.

“The days of this nation were numbered,” Laurie says, adding “the days of every nation are numbered. And that’s true also for the United States of America.”

Not only are a nation’s days numbered, but so are ours. I feel an urgency to pray for and with others so they will see the gift of every day. What about you?

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Jeanette Levellie

How encouraging to hear that these young people walk out their faith!

Carol Round


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