It’s All About that Grace

“Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one”—Colossians 4:6 (NKJV).


No answer.

“Anybody there?”

More silence.

If there had been a button to push, I would have pounded it with my fist. Yes, I was in a hurry. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been eating fast food for breakfast. The cars in the other drive-through lane had arrived after me. What was wrong with the woman taking orders? It was my turn.

I said, “Hello,” again. This time, a male voice answered. “I’m sorry for your wait. What can I get you this morning?”

I ordered an Egg McMuffin then pulled forward to pay for my breakfast. When the young man pulled the window open to take my money, he said, “Since you had to wait so long, I’m going to give you two Egg McMuffins.”

He smiled. I didn’t. I wanted to reply with a snarl, “Why don’t you just give me a free one? I don’t need two.” But I didn’t. Instead, I handed him my money and thanked him.

As I drove away, that still, small voice convicted me. Others, like me, were also in a hurry. Yet, my impatience with the woman taking orders had surfaced and my attitude needed an adjustment. In my spirit, I heard, “It’s all about grace.”

I had not reflected God’s grace toward the people who were serving me. Yes, it is their job. However, they were doing the best they could during the morning rush hour at McDonald’s.

As I contemplated my attitude, I realized how often I become impatient because the ones waiting on me at the grocery store, the post office or a fast-food restaurant aren’t moving as fast as I would like. God reminded me that morning, “It’s not about you, Carol.”

I sure don’t deserve God’s grace. None of us do. Grace has been defined in many different ways but my favorite definition is God giving us what we don’t deserve. We deserved punishment, but God graciously gave us the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ.

Since we know God’s grace, shouldn’t we seek to show grace to others? David Peach, Director of Deaf Ministries around the world, offers 10 great ways to show grace to others:

  1. Use kind and gentle words when speaking to others.
  2. Look for ways to help others, even strangers. Hold a door open. We can affect people every day with simple kindnesses.
  3. Respond with grace when you’re criticized by another.
  4. Take opportunities to be with those who are grieving. Just a 10-20 minute visit shows you care.
  5. When someone asks for your forgiveness, accept graciously.
  6. Learn to say, “I’m sorry.”
  7. Don’t keep a running total of the times someone has done wrong toward you.
  8. Be careful of the words you choose when expressing yourself.
  9. Always say, “Thank you.”
  10. Take a genuine interest in others.

It is God’s Spirit within, transforming us into becoming people who extend grace to others.

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Carol Round


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