
Guest Post: A New Season Blossoms

A new season blossoms amid a chaotic world. Spring provides beauty and refreshment after the long, cold winter. A new awakening provided by God’s omnipotent hand.

The birds sing cheerful songs, gracing bird feeders. Gold finches preen their bright yellow feathers. Shy indigo buntings emerge from the woods.

Flowers bloom in an endless parade of beauty. Redbud trees relinquish magnificent buds for new fresh, life-giving leaves. Dogwoods bloom, reminding us of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. Each white petal, tipped with crimson, bursts with hope as the season unfolds.

Spring is a season of renewal and revival as earth throws off her blanket of winter. The season brings hope to our heart as we experience the beauty at hand.

The season competes with the worrisome distractor of Covid-19. Yes, the reality of the silent predator cannot be denied. All we can do is our best in the new norm: Social distancing, increased hand washing, donning of a protective mask, and prayer.

Meanwhile the new season brings the reassurance that God is in control. We can cast our cares of the troubled world at the feet of our Savior. We can trust that our prayer is heard.

Prayer for Today

Father, we come to you today in desperate need of protection from an unseen illness that invades life. Rouse us to prayer. Increase our faith. Reassure us with answers that are beyond anything we might ask or think. Out of these difficult times revive our faith. Bring revival to America and the entire world that is in search for all that YOU have to offer. Revive us with your all-consuming Spirit. Just as the new of spring blossoms, let our heart burgeon with praise.

Scripture for Today

I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]” (John 16:33 AMPC).

God’s Whisper for Today

My Beloved, come to the Garden of My Presence. The blossoms are full and fragrant. As you breathe take in the newness of My life-giving spirit of joy and peace. Be refreshed. Let go of the old and take on the new. I am faithful to instill in your spirit all that you need. My mercy and grace are new each day. As you come, cast all of your cares at the foot of the cross. Rejoice and sing praises to My name. Love, The Father


Nanette M. Holloway blogs weekly at She is also the author of two books: Coping Skills for Caregivers and Before You Depart: God’s Touch before Eternity.

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