Finding the Beauty in Each Season

“Now as for you, dear brothers who are waiting for the Lord’s return, be patient, like a farmer who waits until the autumn for his precious harvest to ripen”—James 5:7 (TLB).

A friend’s recent Facebook post read, “I despise fall, but I have to admit that today is one gorgeous day!”

Many don’t like the fall or winter season, preferring the spring and summer instead. My preferences have changed over the years. I’ve learned to embrace each season with its ever-changing scenery.

I always look forward to the transition from one season to another, especially from summer to autumn. Squirrels are busy gathering and hiding acorns. The smell of wood-burning fireplaces permeates the air, reminding me that winter is just around the corner. Leaves transform, sometimes it seems overnight, from greens to deep reds, bright oranges and sassy yellows before they turn loose of the tree branches, dancing softly to cover the slowly browning grass. No painter or photographer can capture this beauty perfectly. Only God, the most glorious artist of all, can create such a masterpiece.

The word “autumn” has been replaced, in most part, with the word, “fall.” Regardless of the term we choose, this season is a time to slow down after the hectic pace of summer when we try to cram in vacations and other sun-loving activities before it comes to an end.

Author Elizabeth Lawrence once wrote, “Even if something is left undone, everyone must take time to sit still and watch the leaves turn.”
For me, autumn is a time to pause and embrace one of the most beautiful seasons of all. As the flowers I planted last spring began to fade, I am reminded of the brevity of our own lives. I love what the writer of Ecclesiastes had to say in chapter 3, verses 1-8:

“There’s a season for everything:

A time to be born;
A time to die;
A time to plant;
A time to harvest;
A time to kill;
A time to heal;
A time to destroy;
A time to rebuild;
A time to cry;
A time to laugh;
A time to grieve;
A time to dance;
A time for scattering stones;
A time for gathering stones;
A time to hug;
A time not to hug;
A time to find;
A time to lose;
A time for keeping;
A time for throwing away;
A time to tear;
A time to repair;
A time to be quiet;
A time to speak up;
A time for loving;
A time for hating;
A time for war;
A time for peace.

Just as there are seasons of planting, cultivating, reaping and waiting before the next sowing, it takes different seasons in our lives for God to mold us into the person He wants us to be. Finding the beauty in each season, we can learn to patiently wait on God.

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