Finding Blessings in Everyday Living

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness”— Colossians 2:6-7 (NIV).

Varying hues of red, gold and orange decorate my lawn. That’s why autumn is my favorite season. Watching the leaves change colors and drift to the ground is a reminder to count my blessings. If I couldn’t see, I would miss out on one of God’s gifts. I’m thankful for my eyesight.

Walking across my lawn, I hear the crackle of the shriveled brown oak leaves. While they’re not a thing of beauty, and the mess they create causes more work for me, they are a reminder of the blessings of hearing and an able body.

When I take a daily walk through my lakeside neighborhood, I continue to count my blessings. I love the scent of the neighbor’s burning leaves. I am thankful for the sense of smell.

Inhaling all God has to offer us in nature and being thankful each day for the simple things we often take for granted has made me more aware of how much He loves His children. When I stop by the cove near my house, I am in awe of the variety of birds He created. How could anyone not believe in a Creator God when viewing the diversity of wildlife, trees and flowers?

Sometimes, I take my camera with me on my walks, especially during this time of year. Capturing images of the changing colors and the pelicans now visiting our lake, I have an overwhelming feeling of reverence. While I am able to take some amazing images, none can readily replicate the harmony and design of God.

With so much uncertainty in the world today, we often overlook what is right in front of us. We seek to fill the emptiness with material things and meaningless relationships. We don’t appreciate the blessings a common day brings to us.

Cary David Richards, author of “The Happiness Habit,” says, “The ability to be genuinely grateful for the things that we have and the people we love, as well as for simply being alive and conscious, will do more for bringing a true feeling of happiness to us on a regular basis than almost anything else.”

A daily heart of gratitude for all God has done and continues to do for us should spark a desire to say, “Thank you, God.”

For me, a daily appreciation of His creation brings a sense of peace. In spite of the turmoil in our world, the beauty of our surroundings seems to shout, “Look what I have provided for your pleasure.” The least we can do is to take time from our busy lives to thank Him for all His blessings.

Author Catherine Pulsifer says, “Sometimes we don’t realize the blessings we have until we no longer have them. Appreciate all the blessings in your life, take none for granted.”

Today, why not take five minutes, sit quietly and reflect on the blessings in your life.

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Photo credit: Carol Round
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