Even Laboratory Rats Have Hope
The Bible is a book of hope, full of God’s promises to His people. I like this acronym for HOPE: Holding On, Praying Earnestly.
How do you tell someone the Good News?
“What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?”—Mark 8:36(NIV). Have you ever had some exciting news to share with others? Maybe the news was so terrific you thought you would burst before you could tell someone. While grocery shopping recently, I bumped into a neighbor. We were discussing mundane things like the weather and our flowerbeds when I heard someone shout, “Carol, I’ve got some great news.” My friend and I turned around to greet another neighbor. Pushing the grocery cart as fast as she could, my excited neighbor said, “My photo was …
Live for Jesus, that’s what matters most
As mothers and grandmothers, it’s imperative that we pray for our children and grandchildren and instill in them the importance of a relationship with Jesus.
Your Love Letter to God
In an age of cell phones, text messaging and e-mails, the longtime practice of writing letters to family and friends is becoming a thing of the past.
Let God clean your heart
If anger, criticism, bitterness and hatred spew out of our mouths, what does that say about our heart condition?
Giving God Your First Fruits of the Day
Before I realized that God wanted a personal relationship with me, I wore that badge of honor called busyness.