Finding Hope in the New Year
“but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint”— Isaiah 40:31(NIV). Isaiah 40:31 is one of my favorite scriptures. When I close my eyes, I can picture an eagle soaring overhead as I look up toward the heavens where I find my hope. The scripture also renews my strength and keeps me moving forward in a world often filled with hopelessness. We’ve just come out of a season of hope and joy—a season filled with goodwill toward …
Have You Lost Your Christmas Joy?
“When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy”—Matthew 2:10 (ESV). Overhearing a conversation at my doctor’s office waiting room, I silently agreed with the two women. They were discussing the hectic rush of preparing for Christmas. The joy of this wonderful season was obviously gone for them. Joining in their conversation, I said, “The commercial aspect of Christmas can suck the joy right out of you—if you let it.” One of the women asked, “What do you mean?” What Did I Mean? Until I returned to my faith and church services and activities over 20 years ago, …
Generosity: A Gift of Love and Thanksgiving
“You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us, your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God”— 2 Corinthians 9:11 (NIV). Generosity is the spirit and action of freely and frequently giving to others ( The word generosity can also refer to an overall spirit of kindness. During this time of the year, meaning the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, generosity increases. Some are motivated to be more generous during these weeks because of the festive nature of this season. Created in 2012, a global generosity movement began to encourage …
Are You Thankful No Matter What?
“Oh, how grateful and thankful I am to the Lord because He is so good. I will sing praise to the name of the Lord who is above all lords.”—Psalms 7:17 (TLB). One of my daddy’s favorite sayings was, “It doesn’t do any good to complain because no one wants to hear it.” I find myself repeating that saying when someone asks me, “How are you doing?” While I could complain about my aches and pains, I doubt anyone cares to hear about them—unless it’s my doctor. Recently, I spied a man walking down the sidewalk. His uneven gait and …
Are You Bearing Fruit in Old Age?
“They bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green”—Psalms 92:14 (NIV). “Age isn’t a number, it’s an attitude.” It’s the most famous quote about aging. Scientific evidence supports that. Researchers from Yale and Miami University agree that people who choose to see growing older as something positive live seven and a half years longer than those who don’t. I will be 70 next month. My mind cannot grasp that number, but my body says otherwise. Instead of complaining about my aches and pains, I choose to thank God for my health. I may not be able to …
Lord, Increase My Patience
“But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience”— Romans 8:25 (ESV). “God didn’t give me patience.” I laughed when my youngest son shared my 5-year-old granddaughter’s reply to her brother’s admonition to “just be patient.” Cash, age 14, and his younger sister, Ruby, were washing their dad’s pickup truck. Cash was in possession of the hose. Several times she’d ordered her brother to “give me the hose.” But, like most older siblings who like to be in charge, he hadn’t complied. When Cash grew tired of her demands, he not only sprayed …
Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow
“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise”—Philippians 4:8 (NLT). “Praise God, from whom all blessings flow” is a hymn that when I sing it, springs up in my soul and brings comfort. I feel His holy presence, wrapping me in His love. Reflecting on all He’s done for me, my heart bursts with joy. In my quiet time each morning, I thank Him for never giving up on me. Without fail, …
Having a Christ-like Attitude
“Have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had”—Philippians 2:5 (GW). As a former high school teacher, I recall students who had a good attitude and those who had bad attitudes. It was often challenging to be nice to the ones with the latter. However, that still, small voice always reminded me I didn’t know what was happening in their lives that might be leading to their bad behavior. This past month, I’ve been blessed to interview people who are on a mission to help others in our community. As a freelance writer for the local newspaper, I’ve been selecting stories …