Lessons Learned After the Storm
After the storm had abated, I assessed the damage through disbelieving eyes. I was overwhelmed. I was thankful my dog and I were unharmed.
Lessons learned during the storm
My cell phone pinged repeatedly with text messages from friends. “Are you watching the weather report?” “Are you okay?” “Are you taking cover?”
Lessons Learned Before the Storm
Five hours after the sale of my house, I found myself huddled in a closet with my dog while sirens blared a warning. I was prepared. Then the tornado struck.
Representing Jesus in the World
Have you ever sat in a public place quietly observing others? Maybe it was at a mall or a park.
Will You Leave Your Comfortable Pew?
I was in my late 40s. I was lost and even if I didn’t know it, God did. He wouldn’t give up on me.
When You’re Lost & Without Hope
Many in the world live with a sense of hopelessness every day. Even more frightening, however, is to be without hope of an eternal future.
Where do You Store Your Treasures?
We’ve all heard the saying, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” While an Internet search revealed several origins for this expression, one source says the phrase seems to have taken off since the 1960s.