
How difficult is it to just “be” with God?

July 9, 2016

If you find yourself constantly “doing,” maybe it’s time to let go of the fast-paced insanity and frustrations and let Jesus have your day planner.

What’s the sweetest freedom in the world?

July 1, 2016

Finding freedom in Christ means we make different choices in life, choices that glorify Him, instead of catering to our own selfishness or to the whims of others.

But God, I Want it Now!

June 25, 2016

Before computers, cell phones and social media became everyday fare, weren’t we more content to get our news in the daily newspaper and on the five o’clock news?

Change is a catalyst for spiritual growth

June 19, 2016

Many have said that the only easy way to deal with change is when you are doing the change yourself. But, the truth is that we are not in control of the change so we find it hard to adjust.

When Jesus is On Your Side

June 10, 2016

Before I had a personal relationship with my Savior and Lord, trials would send me into a tailspin. I’d rant, and then panic, before trying to find a solution.

Can God Change Your View?

June 5, 2016

What happens when we don’t seek God’s will for our lives? We are stuck. Stuck in the past. Stuck in unforgiveness. Stuck in captivity.

Go Make Ripples in the Name of Jesus

May 29, 2016

“I am with you. I will watch over you everywhere you go”—Genesis 28:15(NIRV). Almost 13 years ago, I took a giant leap of faith. I left a northeastern Oklahoma community where I’d lived since 1969—except for the times I’d gone away to college—to move to a larger town about 70 miles west. I left behind family and friendships formed over a 36-year period to a place where I knew very few people. However, during the time I’ve lived in Rogers County, I’ve been blessed with a multitude of friends. Those friends have encouraged me, laughed and cried with me, prayed …

Go Make Ripples in the Name of Jesus Read More »

Are you using your gifts for God’s kingdom?

May 14, 2016

Proverbs 22:29 says, “Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men.”


Seeing life through spiritual eyes

May 7, 2016

Most of us don’t even know our neighbors today. We no longer sit on our front porches in the evenings, swapping stories and watching our children play until the street lights come on.

Carol Round


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