
Have You Been Surprised by God Lately?

January 20, 2017

When we unclutter our lives, we can make room for His amazing grace. Isn’t it time to open yourself to the blessings that follow when we let God surprise us?

Do You Need a Spiritual Check-up?

January 13, 2017

Make time for a spiritual checkup. God promises new life which is better than a new year.

Clinging to Jesus, Letting go of the Past

January 8, 2017

God makes all things new. Only He can take away the pain and heartache, replacing it with His best—Jesus.

Let’s start a prayer revolution in the New Year

December 29, 2016

We must stand in the gap for our leaders. We must lift up our nation with all its faults before the throne of God and pray that He continues to work in our midst.

Do You Have a Christmas Heart?

December 22, 2016

Why is it so difficult for us to reject the lure of commercialism and turn to the heart of the One who came down for one purpose?

Can We Give Better Gifts?

December 8, 2016

In a world fraught with greed and selfishness, each Christ-follower should examine his giving in light of the Christmas promise.

How Are You Spending Your Days?

December 2, 2016

What is more important than to be surrounded by family and friends who love us in spite of our faults and failures? Nothing in my book!

Let’s Change the Face of Christmas Commercialism

November 26, 2016

In his book, “100 Days of Kindness: Spreading Happiness, Joy, and Love with 100 Acts of Random Kindness!” author Jacob Reimer writes in the introduction, “The pursuit of selflessness is truly a noble one.”

Living a Life of Giving Thanks

November 18, 2016

“Though some tongues just love the taste of gossip, those who follow Jesus have better uses for language than that. Don’t talk dirty or silly. That kind of talk doesn’t fit our style. Thanksgiving is our dialect”—Ephesians 5:4 (MSG). As I write this, election day is still four days away. I, for one, will be glad when it’s over. I pray that those who have spewed hatred across the airwaves, on social media and through other means of communication will be able to step back and give thanks, whether their candidate won or lost. True followers of Christ know that …

Living a Life of Giving Thanks Read More »

Carol Round


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