Jesus Cares for All of His Children
“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you”—1 Peter 5:7(NIV). Stopped at a busy intersection in a large city recently, I noticed a large, scribbled message on one side of a large grey utility box. In black permanent marker, someone had written, “Nobody cares.” On another side of the metal box, in bold black block letters, someone else had written neatly “Jesus loves you.” I’m positive the first message, scribbled in haste, was written first. The second appeared to be an answer to the first person’s cry for help, an encouragement to whomever had desperately penned the …
Let’s Adopt a Christ-like Attitude
“Adopt the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus”—Philippians 2:5 (CSB). Overwhelmed describes the feelings I was experiencing on the day of my pre-op appointments last week. Preparing for my left knee-replacement surgery on March 24, my schedule included the following: a visit with the physician’s assistant, an anesthesiologist, and an RN; a blood draw, an EKG, a COVID test, a CT scan, and paperwork—lots of paperwork. I took notes to remember all of the do’s and don’ts connected to my upcoming surgery. My appointment times, according to the scheduler, should have taken no more than two hours. Instead, because …
Clinging to the One Who Never Changes
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever”—Hebrews 13:8(NIV). If we need a reminder of the changes that have occurred in our world, we only need to study history. One can also read newspaper headlines or listen to the daily news. Nothing stays the same. If it did, there would be no news to report. A recent post on Facebook reminded me of how times have changed since I was born and maybe since your birth. The list was long, but here are a few of the mind-boggling changes mentioned: Did you think in 1998 that three years …
When You’re Called by Jesus
Afterward Jesus went up on a mountain and called out the ones he wanted to go with him. And they came to him. Then he appointed twelve of them and called them his apostles—Mark 3:13-14a (NLT). Currently, I’m reading through the gospels again. I love the similarities and differences found in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John because they reveal a more complete picture of the life of Jesus. While each one is concerned with the same historical events—the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ—they present different versions of these events. We get distinct viewpoints because characters are portrayed from …
Discovering Where You Belong and to Whom
“Great blessings belong to those who know they are spiritually in need. God’s kingdom belongs to them”— Matthew 5:3(ERV). Two words describe my immediate feelings when I see a homeless person walking down the road: grateful and blessed, followed by a prayer for the person. If the area is safe, I stop and offer money or food, depending on the place and time. I often wonder, “Where does he or she belong? What is their story? Of course, I never ask. God has increasingly placed it on my heart to help the homeless. In the past, I would have judged …