Just Gotta Have It
In Dr. Gregg Jantz’s book, “Gotta Have It!” he writes, “Too many people spend so much time trying to get what they want that they have no energy left to get what they need.”
In Dr. Gregg Jantz’s book, “Gotta Have It!” he writes, “Too many people spend so much time trying to get what they want that they have no energy left to get what they need.”
Before I could hand him the $10 bill I had grabbed from my billfold, the light turned green. As the older man struggled to rise to his feet, I resisted the urge to tell him to hurry up.
According to Google, the number one fear researched is “fear of death.” This ultimate fear is a normal human reaction.
“It’s the paradox of the gospel.” There is, however, always the element of contradiction in a paradox, something that just doesn’t seem to make sense.